Thursday, April 22, 2010

eDdicted to eBay...

{It started out innocent enough...}

{One thing led to another...}

{This is totally me at work, waiting on my packages...haha}

I'm going to go out on a limb here and rank eBay in the top 5 most useful tools of our generation. It's like bargain shopping, but with your shoes kicked off. Not to mention, it cures a number of ailments, including, but not limited to: boredom, shopping withdrawals, finding hard-to-find-items, & did I mention, boredom?

Lately I have found all kinds of little goodies & most of the time, I end up paying more for shipping than I did the item itself. I've become quite the eBay-aholic & I find myself getting terribly irritated when I receive a notification on my phone that says I've been outbid. (Yes, I said notification on my phone---do you think there is a 12-step program out there for this?) But hey, at least I'm not spending that much!

Some of my sweet finds lately:

{Old Navy Shoes-approx $12...including shipping}

{Floral Ballet flats-$8...including shipping}

{fabbbb Green sateen jacket-$10...including shipping}

{black bow belt- $ shipping!}

{floral stained glass earrings- $ shipping}

((addicted to ebay Barbie photos courtesy of


  1. wow what great deals!!! This is dangerous information you are sharing with me...

  2. Those old navy shoes you paid $12 for I've had the same exact pair for like 3 years now and think I've worn them maybe 5 times you could have just borrowed them for a long time and saved 12 bucks plus shipping.

  3. hmm, i thought they looked familiar. Oh well, now we can match!
